This research work assessed the social studies curriculum implementation in Junior Secondary Schools in Yobe State, Nigeria. The study was conducted using five objectives which were translated in to research questions and hypotheses. Descriptive survey design was adopted with 5660 population using the sample size of 200, respondents were randomly selected across the 10 junior secondary schools out of 18 junior secondary schools in Nguru Inspectorate Educational Zone. The instruments used for data collection were questionnaire titled Assessment of Social Studies Curriculum Implementation Questionnaire (ASSCIQ) and interview. Mean, standard deviation and bar chart were used for descriptive analysis and chi-squire was used for inferential analysis. The research findings from this analysis reveals that: there is no significant difference in the extent to which social studies curriculum content is being implemented in Junior Secondary Schools in Yobe State and the respondents‘ view shows that, social studies curriculum content is not being properly implemented in junior secondary schools in Yobe State, there is no significant difference in the pedagogical methods used by social studies teachers in implementation of social studies curriculum in Junior Secondary Schools in Yobe State, and most of the social studies teachers are using conventional method of teaching, there is no significant difference in the teachers‘ used of instructional materials in the implementation of social studies curriculum in Junior Secondary Schools in Yobe State, and in most of the schools lacked instructional materials, there is no significant difference in the problems identified with the implementation of social studies curriculum in Junior Secondary Schools in Yobe State. This revealed the existence of problems which include; inadequate instructional materials, lack of teacher motivation, inadequate classrooms for social studies lessons, lack of student‘s interest in social studies lesson and negative attitude by community members towards social studies education and there is no significant difference in the supervisory roles of quality assurance officers in social studies curriculum implementation in Junior Secondary Schools in Yobe State. Based on these findings five recommendations were proffered which include; all people concerned with the implementation of social studies curriculum content should be actively involved and committed to ensure the effective implementation of social studies curriculum in Nigeria, social studies teachers need to be conversant with the appropriate and newly discovered teaching methods and strategies and as well employ them while teaching social studies, social studies instructional materials and resources should be made available to the schools, there is need to consider teacher motivation, and provide adequate classrooms for social studies lessons and Quality assurance officials should put more effort and perform their duties accordingly.
Background of the Study
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Chapter One: Introduction
1.1 Background of the Study
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